Your clients rely on you to provide professional advice or designs because of your knowledge and expertise in your chosen field. All professional advisers could suffer financial consequences as a result of their mistakes or negligent advice to clients. Professional indemnity insurance is liability insurance that protects businesses and individuals in the event of a client claiming to have suffered a loss as a result of negligence.
Value's professional services team devises and places professional indemnity and related insurances for large professional firms to cover the financial consequences of negligence and also to meet the cost of defending claims made against the professional adviser. We provide all areas of risk management advice, programme design, insurance broking, reinsurance and human resources services to large firms of accountants, lawyers, engineers, architects, construction professionals, and media & information technology specialists.
Value's professional services team devises and places professional indemnity and related insurances for large professional firms to cover the financial consequences of negligence and also to meet the cost of defending claims made against the professional adviser. We provide all areas of risk management advice, programme design, insurance broking, reinsurance and human resources services to large firms of accountants, lawyers, engineers, architects, construction professionals, and media & information technology specialists.